RISERS > Mapping of industrial symbiosis opportunities first step leading to standardisation roadmap

Mapping of industrial symbiosis opportunities first step leading to standardisation roadmap

Within the RISERS project, the selection of high-potential and high-impact industrial symbiosis (IS) cases to support Europe’s transition towards climate and resource neutrality is a key task in work package 3, led by Ghent University. The objective of task T3.2 is to select 6-10 priority synergies as use cases for developing the standardisation roadmap for industrial symbiosis (T6.3 and T7.1), the ultimate objective of the RISERS project, The priority synergies feed into WP4 ‘Bridging R&I and standardisation’ and WP5 ‘Policy making for IS’ and will be validated in stakeholder workshops (T8.6 and T9.6).

Deliverable 3.1 describes the methodology for selecting priority synergies based on documented cases that comply with the CEN-CENELEC CWA 17354 definition of industrial symbiosis. By combining the results from key European R&I projects with focus on IS, in particular SCALER, MAISTRI, EPOS and AIDRES, an inventory of ca 850 synergy cases was generated. The listed resources were mapped per source (output) and sink (input) sector to produce a library of reported IS cases, using the methodology described in the PhD dissertation of dr. Mendez-Alva (2022). In a next step, the list was sense-checked for gaps by a project team of IS experts to ensure all relevant reported but also emerging IS opportunities in the field of resource and energy circularity were captured. To conclude, data analysis was used to filter the IS repository for duplicates and create (1) a list of ca. 300 MES streams, i.e. unique resources categorised as M-materials, E-energies, and S- services; and (2) a longlist of over 600 unique IS synergies organised per source and sink sector.

D3.1 resulted in the RISERS IS library for use in T3.2, again led by UGent. In the second WP3 task, the team aims at prioritising 6-10 high-potential synergies in high-impact sectors as use cases in the IS roadmap development.


Mendez Alva F. Industrial symbiosis enabling resource circularity and climate neutrality in the process industry. (2022). Ghent University. ISBN 9789463556682. https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/01GMSTA27PB9ACYZ4JRKH2EVZP

Mendez Alva F, Cervo H, Krese G, Van Eetvelde G. Industrial symbiosis profiles in energy-intensive industries: Sectoral insights from open databases. (2021). J Clean Prod 2021;314:128031. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128031.